
Eye check-up Camp, Bableshwar

Foundation organized Free Eye check-up camp in Bableshwar village, District Bijapur in Karnataka, India in collaboration with Biradar Eye Clinic, Bijapur. Banners were put and pamphlets distributed in Bableshwar and adjoining villages.

356 villagers from Bableshwar and adjoining villages registered for the camp and got their eyes checked up by Dr. Sunil G. Biradar and his team. Free medicines were distributed to the needy at the spot. 96 of them got the required spectacles at discounted nominal rates. Those who needed further treatment were asked to report to Biradar Eye Clinic in Bijapure and got 30% discount on their treatment expenses.

Volunteers from village, village elders, gram panchayat members, staff from local village hospitals and ASHA (Accredited Social Heath Activist) volunteers were present to support. Light snacks were arranges for those present.

Based on requests from villagers, similar check-up camps for other medical needs will be organized by Foundation in future in collaboration with local doctors.

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