Upcoming Activities
Free Health Check-up Camp, Bijapur
A free health check-up camp for the underprivileged in Bijapur, India has been planned in Mar/April 2018. If you are interested to volunteer, please contact at info@mansibiradarfoundation.org -
Community Toilet at Bableshwar, Karnataka
A twenty commode (10 female + 10 male) community toilet at Bableshwar village at District Bijapur, in the state of Karnataka, India has been planned to be constructed in collaboration with Gram Panchayat. If you have any idea, design of community toilet, please share at info@mansibiradarfoundation.org -
Tree Plantation in Gurgaon
Tree plantation along the road near Technical Paradise, Sector 56, Gurgaon, India has been planned in collaboration with local councilor Shri Mahesh Dayma.